What is Bioresonance and Quantum Medicine - interest of testing before and after fasting and treatments
The Metatron NLS bioresonance system resulting from quantum medicine research allows non-invasive quantum analysis on the physical and emotional bodies. It was invented by the Institute of Applied Psychophysics in Russia. The IPP's Metatron is also the only NLS device to have obtained CE Class 2A medical approval, recognized by the European Union. The Metatron is also certified by the certification body MEEI (Member of TUV Rheinland).
It is ISO and GOST compliant. Based on the close link between magnetic fields and human biological systems, it allows for a detailed energy health check.
How does this Metatron Bioresonance Therapy work? The theoretical basis is that each cell emits a particular electromagnetic frequency. Each organ corresponds to a frequency of its own. Since a damaged organ is different from a healthy organ, a deviation from the norm of the radiation is measured, evaluated and analyzed by the Metatron system.
The electromagnetic vibrations are transcribed by the sensors located in the headset and capture. Data is saved as 3-D charts. The device contains a database, in which a huge number of vibrations of various developmental stages of all common pathologies are deposited. It is then possible to compare the particular case with the ideal model.
The NLS device is thus able to identify the disturbances present in the body. This also at a stage where it would be impossible with traditional methods. In this way, the Metatron NLS is also able to identify toxic bacteria, fungi and viruses. All of the body's organs and systems are projected onto the screen as 3-D graphics and rated using a scale from 1 (healthy organ) to 6 where coping mechanisms are non-existent, i.e. a pathological condition. The Metatron NLS recognizes the energetic deviation of an organ from its ideal norm, before it is harmed. It is thus able to distinguish the magnitude of a disturbance. In one session, it is already possible to observe a strong improvement.
However, a minimum of 5 to 6 sessions at 3 week intervals consolidates and greatly improves any organism. This system is revolutionary both from the point of view of analysis and treatment. To date, a number of devices copied from this system proliferate and give erroneous and misleading reports. You will find a non-exhaustive list of these devices on the website www.bioresomed.com The course of a bioresonance session. The patient is seated with the helmet on the frequency sensor temples and visualizes the various analyzes and 3D anatomical charts of the parts of his body. A rating of 1 to 6 tells us about the degree of disruption of each part. Visualization is an integral part of the treatment, it has a therapeutic effect and allows weak systems to be identified and treated immediately. The duration varies but in general it takes about 1h30. We must not forget also the importance of an integral care including the emotional and food aspect. The therapist will organize the Metatron consultation in 3 main steps:
The selection of targets and pictograms chosen by the system frequency to understand the nature and dynamics of the terrain, meticulous research thanks to 3D. Treatment by frequencies with the sending of harmonizing corrective curves
Warning: Although the bioresonance system improves all vital functions, we must not forget the importance of comprehensive care including the psycho-emotional aspect, lifestyle and a full naturopathic treatment to optimize the chances from a health point of view. During a bioresonance session are also included in the session other natural medicine techniques that I offer. These methods potentiate the effect of Bioresonance work and help the body regain its highest level of energy.
The techniques presented here do not replace or substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment that only a doctor can make.
consultation by appointment 079 4367152 or [email protected] at 1880 BEX,
The Metatron NLS bioresonance system resulting from quantum medicine research allows non-invasive quantum analysis on the physical and emotional bodies. It was invented by the Institute of Applied Psychophysics in Russia. The IPP's Metatron is also the only NLS device to have obtained CE Class 2A medical approval, recognized by the European Union. The Metatron is also certified by the certification body MEEI (Member of TUV Rheinland).
It is ISO and GOST compliant. Based on the close link between magnetic fields and human biological systems, it allows for a detailed energy health check.
- A high-precision global energy health check-up
- Detection of viruses or bacteria in bioresonance, parasites and inversion of their evolutionary process
- A complete assessment of the field and action on prevention
- Reliable biological assessments: hormonal levels, mineral assessment, etc.
- The possibility of seeing the state of an organ by enlarging it and treating it with bioresonance.
How does this Metatron Bioresonance Therapy work? The theoretical basis is that each cell emits a particular electromagnetic frequency. Each organ corresponds to a frequency of its own. Since a damaged organ is different from a healthy organ, a deviation from the norm of the radiation is measured, evaluated and analyzed by the Metatron system.
The electromagnetic vibrations are transcribed by the sensors located in the headset and capture. Data is saved as 3-D charts. The device contains a database, in which a huge number of vibrations of various developmental stages of all common pathologies are deposited. It is then possible to compare the particular case with the ideal model.
The NLS device is thus able to identify the disturbances present in the body. This also at a stage where it would be impossible with traditional methods. In this way, the Metatron NLS is also able to identify toxic bacteria, fungi and viruses. All of the body's organs and systems are projected onto the screen as 3-D graphics and rated using a scale from 1 (healthy organ) to 6 where coping mechanisms are non-existent, i.e. a pathological condition. The Metatron NLS recognizes the energetic deviation of an organ from its ideal norm, before it is harmed. It is thus able to distinguish the magnitude of a disturbance. In one session, it is already possible to observe a strong improvement.
However, a minimum of 5 to 6 sessions at 3 week intervals consolidates and greatly improves any organism. This system is revolutionary both from the point of view of analysis and treatment. To date, a number of devices copied from this system proliferate and give erroneous and misleading reports. You will find a non-exhaustive list of these devices on the website www.bioresomed.com The course of a bioresonance session. The patient is seated with the helmet on the frequency sensor temples and visualizes the various analyzes and 3D anatomical charts of the parts of his body. A rating of 1 to 6 tells us about the degree of disruption of each part. Visualization is an integral part of the treatment, it has a therapeutic effect and allows weak systems to be identified and treated immediately. The duration varies but in general it takes about 1h30. We must not forget also the importance of an integral care including the emotional and food aspect. The therapist will organize the Metatron consultation in 3 main steps:
The selection of targets and pictograms chosen by the system frequency to understand the nature and dynamics of the terrain, meticulous research thanks to 3D. Treatment by frequencies with the sending of harmonizing corrective curves
Warning: Although the bioresonance system improves all vital functions, we must not forget the importance of comprehensive care including the psycho-emotional aspect, lifestyle and a full naturopathic treatment to optimize the chances from a health point of view. During a bioresonance session are also included in the session other natural medicine techniques that I offer. These methods potentiate the effect of Bioresonance work and help the body regain its highest level of energy.
The techniques presented here do not replace or substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment that only a doctor can make.
consultation by appointment 079 4367152 or [email protected] at 1880 BEX,